Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Creative Process

Sounds pretty heavy, no?  See, this is where I could go on and on and on about the pseudo-mystical processes that lead to the creation of a new song, and the almost religious experience that comes with the act of tying little noises together into something coherent.  But you know what?  The vast majority of the music I have come up with or created has happened by accident.

That's right.  It happens accidentally.  Comically, sometimes.

More often than not, I'll just be sitting down noodling on one of my guitars, not even paying attention, and I'll find myself playing something that sounds almost riff-like, if you close one ear while listening and use a LOT of imagination. 

But somehow, that little something grabs my attention, and if I ignore it, it picks at me.  Seriously, it's like one of those kids that follows you around pulling on your pant leg going "hey mister, hey mister, hey mister".  It's irritating as hell.

So I find myself having to pay attention to it, and show it some love, and start figuring out where it belongs, and what other little sounds go with it, until it has found itself with a family of like-minded sounds, and that family starts to reproduce and create other little sounds to go with it, until now it's a freaking TRIBE of little sounds, all sharing some indigenous system of beliefs and faiths.  Maybe some inbred relatives, too.  But by God, they're all related, and they're gonna make a sound.

And I'm the poor fool they've chosen to record this whole mess.

Makes things interesting, no?  

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